Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1


Source C. One can understand the latter assignment, in that this narrative is
largely comprised of prose oracles in which one finds the stereotyped and re-
petitive language said to characterize Source C.
The chapter is narrative, reporting oracles lifted from two Jeremianic letters,
and a final oracle destined for a third letter. The letters are not preserved in
their original form. Jeremiah's second letter, as I mentioned, is only part of an
original letter that was larger. Also, these "letters" lack formal openings and
closings common to letters of the period (Pardee 1978: 330; 1982: 177-78;
Taatz 1991: 46-56). Instead, we are given an introduction telling us about the
(first) letter-who sent it, who was to receive it, when it was sent, and who car-
ried it under what conditions (vv 1-3). Even the introductory "and concern-
ing Shemaiah, the Nehelamite, you shall say" in Letter II (v 24) is not a formal
address but simply a directive within a larger letter telling the addressee to
convey an oracle (now incomplete) to Shemaiah the Nehelamite. These
words are not a directive from Yahweh to Jeremiah (pace Bright; Holladay). A
letter from Elijah to King Jehoram, preserved in 2 Chr 21:12-15, is similarly a
prophetic oracle in letter form, without opening or closing formulas (Pardee
1982: 181). The NT letters of Paul are comparable, in that the bodies mutatis
mutandis contain preaching, although here and there, formal elements are
present, i.e., with sender and sendee named, according to typical letter form,
and with the customary greetings.
The seven oracles of the main letter with their messenger formulas are the

Thus said Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel ...
Build houses, plant gardens, marry, and have families;
pray for the welfare of your city

II For thus said Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel
Do not listen to the prophets, diviners, and dreamers in your
midst; they are prophesying a lie in my name
oracle of Yahweh

III For thus said Yahweh
When Babylon has served me for 70 years, I will confirm my
good word and bring you back to this place
oracle of Yahweh
You will pray to me and I will listen to you, if you seek me with
your whole heart

IV I will be found by you
oracle of Yahweh
and I will restore your fortunes

V I will gather you from all the places where I dispersed you
oracle of Yahweh
I will bring you back to the place from which I exiled you

vv 5-7

vv 8-9

vv 10-13

v 14a

v 14b
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