Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

(whole-word: 'nky ... 'nky). Most other commentators follow Giesebrecht in
preferring MT, which is supported by CL, Aq, Theod, S, T, and Vg. The
words, then, should not be deleted (pace Cornill, Holladay, McKane). The
expression "the plans that I am planning" (hammabasabot 'aser 'anokf boseb)
and variations are signature coinages (and wordplays) by Jeremiah (l l:l 9b;
18:11, 18; 29:11; 49:20, 30; 50:45). For other cognate accusatives in Jeremiah,
see Note on 22:16.
to give you a future and a hope. Hebrew latet lakem 'abarft wetiqwa. A hendi-
adys: "the hoped-for future." The term abarft also means "(latter) end," which
in Jeremiah's earlier preaching had negative meaning (5:31; 12:4; 17: 11). Here
the term means "future;' as in 31: 17. Also positive in later chapters of the book
is the phrase "in the days afterward;' be'abarft hayyamfm (23:20; 30:24; 48:47;
49:37), which announces the time when understanding will come to the cove-
nant people and neighboring nations will have their fortunes restored. The
LXX: here has simply "these (things)" (tauta); but G^0 L have "thereafter" (ta
meta tauta), with Aq and Theod adding "and a hope" (kai elpida). The T and
Vg support MT For the combination "future and hope," see also Prov 23:18
and 24:14.

  1. And you will call me and will come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
    Yahweh asks that Jeremiah call to him when he is in the court of the guard
    (33:3). Prayers by the people will also be possible in a foreign land, without a
    Temple (1 Kgs 8:46-52). The LXX omits "and you will call me and will come;'
    which could have been due to haplography (homoeoarcton: w ... w). Some
    (Volz; Rudolph; Weiser; Holladay; McKane; G. Greenberg 2001: 235) delete
    "and you will come" (wahalaktem) with S, but Ehrlich (1912: 315) defends hlk
    as an auxiliary verb that is used frequently in Jeremiah to prepare for an action
    to follow. On Jeremiah's pairing of halok with verbs of command, see Note for
    28: 13. In the present verse, Aq and Theod (kai poreuesthe) support MT After
    the return home, Yahweh promises his people restored communication, at
    which time they will also be building houses, planting gardens, and raising
    families (Isa 65:21-24; cf. Sommer 1999: 649-50).

  2. And you will search for me and will find if you seek me with your whole
    heart. This echo of Deut 4:29 does not mean that there has been a Deutero-
    nomic editing of the verse (pace Hyatt). See also Jer 24:7. To seek Yahweh
    "with all your heart" means to seek him with your whole being.

  3. And I will be found by you. Hebrew wenim~e'tf lakem. The LXX has "I
    will appear to you," kai epiphanoumai hymin (cf. 31 :3 ), but the MT reading is
    preferable in light of Deut 4:29, "and you will find (him)," uma~a'ta. See also
    subsequent formulations in Isa 55:6 and 65:1.
    oracle of Yahweh-and I will restore your fortunes. And I will gather you from
    all the nations and from all the places where I have dispersed you-oracle ofYah-
    weh-and I will bring you back to the place from which I exiled you. The LXX
    omits, which appears to be another loss due to haplography (homoeoteleuton:
    m ... m). Commentators (except Holladay) generally imagine MT expansion.
    But the words are present in Theod, T, S, and Vg.

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