Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Reuben's birthright is given to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh,
and in Gen 48:8-20, where Ephraim is placed ahead of Manasseh by a grand-
father (Jacob) who himself supplanted an older twin. Yahweh's rejection of
"Ephraim" for "Judah" in Ps 78:67-68 is claimed in light of Northern Israel's
destruction in 722 B.C.; and in Ps 89:27-28[Eng 89:26-27], where Yahweh is
said to be "Father" to David, his firstborn, the meaning is that David is preem-
inent among the kings of the earth.


Jeremiah begins this oracle by telling a Judahite audience that they can cry
loudly and joyfully for Jacob (their kinfolk from the North who are presently
languishing in Assyrian and Median cities), for once again he will become head
of the nations. In proclamation and praise, they are to address their brothers and
sisters with the words "Yahweh has saved your people, the remnant of Israel!"
Yahweh then answers this acclamation by declaring that he will indeed re-
turn remnant Israel from its northern exile, gathering others as well from
places hither and yon. Among the returnees will be the blind and the lame,
pregnant women, and those ready to give birth. It will be a vast throng, and the
walk home will go considerably better than the walk leaving home. Yahweh
envisions them weeping as they walk, their tears communicating joy, repen-
tance, and fresh supplication. He promises them streams of water and a level
path on which they will not stumble. The oracle closes with Yahweh saying
that he is indeed like a father to Israel, and Ephraim is his firstborn.
This oracle appears to have just Northern Israel in view, which means it is
early Jeremianic preaching from the reign of Josiah (after 622 B.c.) and a se-
quel to the oracle in vv 2-6. At the time of Judah's destruction, it will have ex-
panded application to Judahite exiles (30:4), anticipating for both remnant
peoples the day when they will make a return together.
When this oracle is heard following the oracle in vv 2-6, Jeremiah's call for
joyful cries in v 7 will continue the watchmen's joyful call of v 6, and Yahweh's
promise of Israel's return to Zion will now be described in fuller detail (Calvin;

i) The One Who Scattered Will Gather (31:10-14)

31 10 Hear the word of Yahweh, nations
and declare among the distant coastlands, and say:
He who scattered Israel will gather him
and will keep him as a shepherd his flock

(^11) For Yahweh has ransomed Jacob
and redeemed him from a hand stronger than his own
(^12) And they shall come and cry for joy on the height of Zion
and they shall be radiant over the goodness of Yahweh

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