Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Yahweh that he had spoken to him upon a writing-scroll.^5 And Jeremiah
commanded Baruch, saying: 'I am under restraint; I am not able to enter
the house of Yahweh.^6 So you, you shall enter, and you shall read aloud
from the roll that you have written from my dictation the words of Yahweh
in the hearing of the people in the house of Yahweh on a fast day, yes, also
in the hearing of all Judah who come from their cities, you shall read them
aloud.^7 Perhaps their petition will be laid before Yahweh, and they will
turn each person from his evil way, for great is the anger and wrath that
Yahweh has spoken toward this people.'^8 And Baruch son of Neriah did ac-
cording to all that Jeremiah, the prophet, commanded him, to read aloud
the scroll of the words of Yahweh in the house of Yahweh.


MT 36:1-8 = LXX 43:1-8. The present chapter contains a core narrative of
vv 1-8, to which have been added two supplementary narratives: vv 9-26 and
vv 27-32. This division is rightly seen by E. Nielsen (1954: 65), who points
out that while the three narrative segments are independent, they are also
interdependent. An inclusio with inversion, which contrasts Yahweh's desire
to forgive if the people will listen (v 3), with a decision finally to punish be-
cause they have not listened (v 31 ), ties the three segments together (Abrego
1983a: 7; 1983b: 31):

v 3 Perhaps they will listen ...
all the evil that I am planning ...
and I will forgive their iniquity ...

v 31 and I will reckon ... their iniquity
and I will bring ... all the evil that
and they did not listen

'Ulay yisme<a
'et kol-hara<a 'aser 'anokf /:ioseb
wesala/:itf la<awonam

upaqadtf ... 'et-<awonam
wehebe'tf ... 'et kol-hara<a 'aiier
welo' same<a

The three segments report three separate events, the first two being dated in the
fourth and fifth years of Jehoiakim respectively, and the third documented
more generally: "after the king burned the roll." The first and last segments re-
port divine revelations to Jeremiah; the middle segment reports a reading of the
Jeremiah scroll in the Temple by Baruch, the scribe. All three segments begin
with the narrative wayehf, "and it happened I and it came" (Abrego l 983a: 3).

I And it happened (wayehf) ... this word came to Jeremiah from Yahweh... v l
II And it happened (wayehf)... v 9
III And the word of Yahweh came (wayehf) to Jeremiah... v 27

Two other occurrences of wayehf in the chapter, in vv 16 and 23, do not signal
major breaks.
Chapter 36 is a concluding chapter (Engnell 1962; Kessler 1966: 389;
Muilenburg 1970a: 223-24; Lundbom 1975: 107-9 [= 1997: 140-43]; Holladay),

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