Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Books, Monographs, And Articles 51

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1975 "The Religious-Prophetic Background of the 'Law of the King' in Deuter-
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1966 "Fouilles D'Umm El-Biyara." RB 73: 372-403.
1973 "Excavations at Buseirah, Southern Jordan, 1971: A Preliminary Report."
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1974 "Excavations at Buseirah, Southern Jordan, 1972: Preliminary Report."
Levant 6: 1-24 +plates.
1975 "Excavations at Buseirah, Southern Jordan, 1973: Third Preliminary
Report." Levant 7: 1-19.
1977 "Excavations at Buseirah, Southern Jordan, 1974: Fourth Preliminary
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1982 "Neo-Assyrian Influence in Transjordan" in Studies in the History and
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uities, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Pp. 181-87.
1983 "Excavations at Buseirah (Biblical Bozrah)" in Sawyer and Clines 1983:
1984 "Excavations at Tawilan in Southern Jordan, 1982." Levant 16: 1-23.
___ and Piotr Bienkowski
1995 Excavations at Tawilan in Southern Jordan. British Academy Monographs
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salem Revealed. Ed. Y. Yadin. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
Pp. 87-89.
Berkovitz, Eliezer
1969 "The Biblical Meaning of Justice." Judaism 18: 188-209.
Berlin, Adele
1984 "Jeremiah 29:5-7: A Deuteronomic Allusion." HAR 8: 3-11.
Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz
1960 "Beobachtungen zur Identifizierung moabitischer Ortslagen." ZDPV 76:
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1925-26 "Nergalsharezer Samgar in Jer. 39:3." AJSLL 42: 130.
Beyerlin, Walter
1978 (ed.) Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Tr. John
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Bienkowski, Piotr
1990a "Umm El-Biyara, Tawilan and Buseirah in Retrospect." Levant 22: 91-
l 990b "The Chronology of Tawilan and the 'Dark Age' of Edom." Aram 2: 3 5-
1992 (ed.) Early Edom and Moab: The Beginning of the Iron Age in Southern
Jordan. Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 7. Sheffield: J. R. Collins
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1995 "The Edomites: The Archaeological Evidence from Transjordan" in
Edelman 1995a: 1-11.

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