Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Books, Monographs, And Articles

Machinist, Peter
1982 "Provincial Governance in Middle Assyria and Some New Texts from
Yale." Assur 3/2: 65-101 +plates.
Malarnat, Abraham


1950-51 "The Historical Setting of Two Biblical Prophecies on the Nations." IEJ
I: 149-59. [=Malamat 2001: 370-80]
1951 "Jeremiah and the Last Two Kings of Judah." PEQ 83: 81-87. [=Malamat
2001: 381-86]
1966 "Prophetic Revelations in New Documents from Mari and the Bible" in
VT Supp 15 [Volume du Congres, Geneve, 1965]: 207-27. [Published
also in E. L. Sukenik Memorial Volume (Hebrew with English summary).
Ed. N. Avigad et al. Eretz-lsrael 8. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,

  1. Pp. 231-40;75]
    1968 "The Last Kings of Judah and the Fall of Jerusalem." IEJ 18: 137-56.
    1971 "Mari." BA 34: 2-22.
    1973 "Josiah's Bid for Armageddon: The Background for the Judean-Egyptian
    Encounter in 609 B.C." JANES 5: 267-79. [=Malamat 2001: 282-98]
    1979 "The Last Years of the Kingdom of Judah" in The World History of the
    Jewish People: The Age of the Monarchies: Political History. Vol. 411. Ed.
    Abraham Malamat. Jerusalem: Massada. Pp. 205-21, 377.
    1990 "The Kingdom of Judah between Egypt and Babylon." ST 44: 65-77.
    [=Malamat 2001: 322-37]
    1995 ''A Note on the Ritual of Treaty Making in Mari and the Bible." IEJ 45:
    1999 "Naamah, the Ammonite Princess, King Solomon's Wife." RB 106: 35-

  2. 2001 History of Biblical Israel: Maior Problems and Minor Issues. Leiden: Brill.
    Mansoor, Menahem
    1961-62 "The Thanksgiving Hymns and the Massoretic Text (Part II)." RQ 3: 387-

  3. Marconcini, Benito
    1993 "La novita nell 'alleanza' secondo Geremia 31,31-34." VH 4: 207-24.
    Martens, Karen
    200 I '"With a Strong Hand and an Outstretched Arm."' SJOT 15: 12 3-41.
    Maspero, G.
    1900 The Passing of the Empires 850 B.C. to 330 B.C. Ed. A.H. Sayce. Tr. M. L.
    McClure. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
    Matthiae, Paulo
    1980 Ebla: An Empire Rediscovered. Tr. Christopher Holme. London: Hodder
    & Stoughton.
    Mattingly, Gerald
    1989 "Moabite Religion and the Mesha' Inscription" in Dearman I 989a: 211-

  4. May, Herbert G.
    193 5 Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult. Chicago: University of Chicago
    1939 "Three Hebrew Seals and the Status of Exiled Jehoiakin." AJSLL 56: 146-

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