Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Books, Monographs, And Articles 75

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l 996 Jeremias Ackerkauf Eine Untersuchung von Jeremia 32. OBS l 5. Frank-
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l 997 "Die Vorbildlichen Rechabiter: Zur Redestruktur von Jeremia xxxv."
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2001 "Zur Interpretation von w"et kal-bet harekabfm in Jeremia xxxv 3." VT 5 l:
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1998 "The Nature and Extent of Idolatry in Eighth-Seventh Century Judah."
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2001 Leviticus 23-37. AB 3B. New York: Doubleday.
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l 999 "Owners and Users of Hebrew Seals" in Frank Moore Cross Volume.

Miller, James E.

Ed. Baruch A. Levine et al. Eretz-Israel 26. Jerusalem: Israel Explora-
tion Society. Pp. 129-33.

l 990 "Dreams and Prophetic Visions." Biblica 7 l: 40 l-4.
Miller, J. Maxwell
1989 "Moab and the Moabites" in Dearman l989a: l-40.
199 l (ed.) Archaeological Survey of the Kerak Plateau. ASOR Archaeological
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l 992 "Early Monarch in Moab?" in Bienkowski l 992: 77-9 l.
1997 "Ancient Moab: Still Largely Unknown." BA 60: l 94-204.
____ and John H. Hayes
l 986 A History of Ancient Israel and Judah. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Miller, Patrick D. Jr.
l 968 "The Divine Council and the Prophetic Call to War." VT 18: 100-107.
1970 "Animal Names as Designations in Ugaritic and Hebrew." UF 2: 177-86.
l 982 Sin and Judgment in the Prophets: A Stylistic and Theological Analysis.
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1984 "Sin and Judgment in Jeremiah 34:17-19." JBL 103: 6ll-13.
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l 9 l 5 "Parchments of the Parthian Period from Auroman in Kurdistan." JHS 3 5:
Mitchell, Hinckley G.
1879 An Examination of Some of the Final Constructions of Biblical Hebrew.
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Mittmann, Siegfried
l 982 "The Ascent of Luhith" in Studies in the History and Archeology oflor-
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l 95 l The Book of Kings. Ed. Henry Snyder Gehman. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T.

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