List of Tables
2.1. Natural selection and cognitive theories of religion 32
Source: I. Czachesz,“How Can Evolutionary Theory Contritute to
Biblical Studies?”In D. J. Chalcraft, F. Uhlenbruch, & R. Watson (Eds.),
New Directions in Biblical Studies: Social Scientific and Cultural
Approaches(pp. 16–38). Sheffield: Phoenix Press, 2014, page 23.
Used with the publisher’s permission.
5.1. Whitehouse’s modes of religiosity (Whitehouse, 2004, p. 74) 109
Source: H. Whitehouse,Modes of Religiosity: A Cognitive Theory of
Religious Transmission. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira, 2004, page 74.
Used with the publisher’s permission.
5.2. The representation of ritual as action 115
7.1. Comparing McNamara’s and Marsh’s models 163
Source: I. Czachesz,“Tours of Heaven in Light of the Neuroscientific
Study of Religious Experience,”Journal of Cognitive Historiography2/
(2015), 34–54, page 47. Used by permission of Equinox Publishing
Ltd 2015.
9.1. Number of days needed until all households are converted at different
conversion rates, with and without apostles 199
9.2. Number of days needed until ten percent of the households is
converted at different conversion rates, with and without apostles 201
10.1. The Bible as replicator 218