if ( ( count patches with [ pcolor = follower-color ] + count ( apostles ) ) >=
count patches ( mission-goal / 100 ) ) [ ; stop condition, checking if the
mission goal has been reached
tick ; move forward the tick counter
end ; end of go procedure
to move-apostles
ask apostles [
forward 1 ; all apostles move one step ahead in their chosen direction
if random 10 > 8 [ set heading random 360 ] ; missionaries sometimes
change direction randomly
to update-patches ; this procedure checks which households should be
ask patches with [ pcolor = pagan-color ] [ ; pagan households check if they
should convert
if ( learning =“any”)[ ; use this check if the learning strategy is set to“any”
if ( ( count ( neighbors with [ pcolor = follower-color ] ) > 0 ) and
( ( ( random-float 10 ) / 10 ) < conversion-rate ) ) [ ; check if conversion
by followers applies
convert ; apply the“convert”procedure (defined below)
if ( ( ( sum [ count apostles-here ] of neighbors ) > 0 ) and ( ( random-float
10 ) / 10 ) < ( conversion-rate + prestige-bias ) ) [ ; check if conversion by
apostles applies
if ( learning =“probabilistic”)[ ; use this check if the learning strategy is set
if ( ( ( count ( neighbors with [ pcolor = follower-color ] ) + ( ( sum [ count
apostles-here ] of neighbors ) ( 1 + prestige-bias)))>random ( count
( neighbors) ) ) and ( ( random-float 10 ) / 10 < conversion-rate ) ) [
convert ; apply the“convert”procedure (defined below)
end ; end of the update-patches procedure
to convert ; procedure to create an apostle or change the status of a household
ifelse ( count ( apostles ) < apostles-number ) [ ; the new follower will be an
apostle if the desired number of apostles has not been reached yet
204 Cognitive Science and the New Testament