Cognitive Science and the New Testament A New Approach to Early Christian Research

(Axel Boer) #1

General Index

potential,seeneuron, action potential
representation system 114
Acts of Barnabas 127
Acts of John43, 105, 127
by Pseudo-Prochorus 127
Acts of Paul 127
Acts of Peter 133, 137, 140, 156, 182
Acts of Philip(Coptic) 127
Acts of the Apostles 6, 44, 66, 71–2, 82, 103,
111 – 12, 117, 125, 127, 132–3, 135,
138 – 40, 152, 170–1, 185n
Acts of the Martyrs 132
Acts of Thomas95, 133, 182
Acts of Titus 127
adaptationist vs. by-product debate 34,
40, 180
affective sharing 169– 70
agency (intuition of ) 6, 32–4, 71, 82, 83,
128 – 30, 134, 136, 145;see also
hypersensitive agency detection device
as thematic role 115
of ritual 16–17, 113– 17
see alsoritual, special-agent
agent-based model (ABM) 189–92, 199, 203
altered state of consciousness (ASC) 142
altruism 4, 30, 32, 37, 40, 45, 173–4, 176–7,
180 – 1, 183, 186;see alsoreciprocal
Ambrose (of Milan),Homilies 105
Ammon (god) 72
amnesia 62– 3
amygdala 55–7, 64, 76
Anastenaria 105
anatomy 9, 29, 48–51, 58, 60, 76, 144, 147–8;
see alsobrain, anatomy
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles 87, 123, 127,
140, 176, 185n
Apocryphal Gospels 87, 132
in Christian tradition 66, 72, 82, 112, 122,
127, 132, 135, 140, 176, 184, 190–1,
195, 201
in the“Mission”model 195–6, 199–201,
203 – 5
Apuleius (of Madura),Metamorphoses
112, 140
Artemis (goddess) 138– 9

ascension (experience) 156– 7
Ascension of Isaiah6, 163– 5
ascetic practices 112–13, 195
association areas 64
emotional 12, 36, 135, 174
in system theory 26n, 27, 43n,47–8, 80
attribution theory 145
audience (of performance) 72, 214
auditory cortex 21, 55, 57
Augustine (of Hippo) 187
awe 142
axon,seeneuron, axon

Bach, Johann Sebastian 80, 110
banquet (ancient) 90, 94
Christian 5, 16–17, 45, 112–16, 118–20,
123 – 5
(immersion) of John 5, 102, 210
Bar-Jesus (Elymas) 140
Big Gods (theory) 6, 19, 179– 80
brain 1, 4, 9–14, 16, 21, 33, 49–65, 76,
105, 144–5, 147–51, 158–62,
181, 211
anatomy 4, 49–61, 144, 147– 8
development 58– 9
and gender 60– 1
and mind,seemind, /brain identity
as distributed system 14
lateralization 54– 5
see alsosocial brain hypothesis
Broca’s aphasia 57
Calvin, Jean 118
causality 128
cerebral cortex 54– 8
charismatic signaling 19, 104
Chomsky, Noam 35, 115
Christ movement,seeJesus, movement
cingulate cortex 148
circumcision 102, 111, 116
Clement (of Alexandria)
Exhortation to the Heathens 105
Stromata 105
cognition 11–16, 50–1, 61, 68–9, 88, 160–1,
187 – 8, 208– 9
and evolution 12
extended 13–15, 50– 1
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