How To Be An Agnostic

(coco) #1


A book like this is the product of many conversations and
encounters, of many experiences and parts of life shared. Thank
you and I look forward to more. In terms of producing the text
in particular, I want fulsomely to thank Jeremy Carrette, Paul
Fletcher and Piers Benn who have read drafts and made sugges-
tions. Needless to say, all faults remaining are mine. Great thanks
are also due to my sometime editor Dan Bunyard. For this new
edition of the book formerly published as After Atheism – here
thoroughly revised and added to throughout, including two
chapters that are almost completely new and a third entirely
new – thanks too to my copyeditor, Sally Daniell, to Laura Conn,
Abby Coften and Melanie Blair at Palgrave Macmillan and to Pri
Gibbons also at Palgrave Macmillan for championing my cause.

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