Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1

Yogis Without Borders 87

realized their cosubstantiality with the entirety of the energetic cosmos, rely on
exactly this principle:

Masters who are able to materialize and dematerialize their bodies and
other objects, and to move with the velocity of light, and to utilize the
creative light rays in bringing into instant visibility any physical manifesta-
tion, have fulfilled the lawful condition: their mass is infinite.^81

In reality, this is somewhat of a misreading of Einstein’s actual theory, to which
Yogananda appeals to substantiate this conclusion. Technically speaking, it is
not so much that only a body of infinite mass is capable of achieving the speed of
light but that any massive body would become infinitely massive as it approaches
light speed. Consequently, massive bodies are not generally capable of such a feat
because they would require an infinite amount of force (or energ y) to acceler-
ate their infinite mass to reach light speed. From a modern scientific perspective,
Yogananda might have gained more traction by claiming that Yogis are capable of
attaining light speeds by becoming massless, as photons are, and thereby appeal-
ing to the canonical superpower of laghimā (minimization) rather than mahimā
Regardless of the objective accuracy of Yogananda’s physics, however, it
remains significant that his justification of yogic power remains fundamentally
and intentionally scientific. Indeed, by appealing to a form— albeit an ultimately
invented form— of quantum physics, Yogananda is able to more fully integrate
traditional Indian thought, modern science, and prevailing Western metaphysi-
cal notions of will, mind, and consciousness. The modern Yogi, who has now
effectively returned to his traditional mode of light- based apotheosis, is able to
manipulate astral quanta of the universe at will:

A yogi who though perfect meditation has merged his consciousness
with the Creator perceives the cosmical essence as light (vibrations of life
energ y); to him there is no difference between the light rays composing
water and the light rays composing land. Free from matter- consciousness,
free from the three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time,
a master transfers his body of light with equal ease over and through the
light rays of earth, water, fire, and air.^83

In tapping into this uniformity of matter, the Yogi’s domain becomes limitless.
An old concept therefore finds a new, perhaps even more expansive, form. Rather
than relying on the crude fluid dynamics of the ether, this new Yogi’s body and
powers are purely energetic.

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