Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1
150 Biography of a Yogi

attracting attention seems especially ironic, however, in light of the proliferation of
anecdotes from his devotees detailing the occasions on which Yogananda embar-
rassed many a bystander and a few agents of the police. It was apparently a par-
ticular habit of his to launch into the Energization Exercises in the midst of public

Bridging Human and Superhuman

It is important to emphasize, however, that the promises of Yogananda’s method
also transcended simple cosmetics. His lectures touted “Scientific Control of Death,
Disease— Everlasting Youth” and carried titles like “Mastering the Subconscious by
Superconsciousness ... Your Super Powers Revealed.”^62 The demonstrations that
accompanied these lectures— stopping and restarting the heart, hurling a group of
men across the stage with a single muscle spasm— were clearly meant to illustrate
the superhuman potential that lay at the heart of Yogoda practice.
Yogananda was profoundly invested in establishing the natural continuum
between the ordinary human man (or woman) and the superhuman Yogi. Flyers
for a series of lectures delivered at his Mt. Washington center in 1926 proclaimed
the following subject matter:

Oct. 11: “Miracles of Yoga”
Its Western misconceptions. The powers and secrets of the Great Hindu
Saints and Yogis given to you for your personal use and upliftment.

Oct. 13: “Christ, Christna, Buddha”
Your Divine Heritage! Every man can arouse the infinite forces of his
being to achieve the high destiny of immortality! ... How To Be Like
Them in This Life. The practical application of their teachings to modern
life. How to rise above pain and limitation and realize your true nature of

Oct. 14: “Quickening Human Evolution”
Luther Burbank has proved the natural evolution of plant life can be
quickened by hundreds of years. Swami teaches that an intelligent coop-
eration with Cosmic Law can quickly regenerate mankind.

Oct. 15: “My Great Master”
A Living Son of God. His Life and Miraculous Powers as I saw them. He is
still living in India and has attained to mastery over himself and the forces
of nature.
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