Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1

Notes 193

  1. Alter 2011a: 127

  2. See O’Flaherty 1981.

  3. Lee 1999: 85.

  4. See De Michelis 2004.

  5. See Love 2010; Laycock 2013; Jain 2014b.

  6. Stephens 2010:  24. I  take Stephens’s use of “bhakti,” “raja,” and “Hatha” to corre-
    spond to devotional, meditative, and postural practice, respectively.

  7. Gandhi 2009: 38.

  8. See especially Singleton 2005, 2007, 2010.

  9. See Nance 2009.

  10. See Williamson 2010.

  11. Vivekananda arrived in the United States in 1893 and delivered public and private
    lectures around the country, returning to India in early 1897. During this time, he
    made two brief visits to the United Kingdom in 1895 and 1896.

  12. Kriyananda was born James Donald Walters in 1926. He became Yogananda’s dis-
    ciple in 1948 after reading the Autobiography and remained with the SRF until
    1962 when the board of directors voted unanimously in favor of his resignation for
    reasons that are still contested.

  13. See Goldberg 2010: 109.

  14. Rinehart 1999.

  15. Leeman and di Florio 2014.

  16. Shontell 2013.

Chapter 1

  1. Oman 1903: 173.

  2. On this point, see especially White 2014. In the context of modern postural yoga,
    the Yoga Sūtras are still idealized as the canon of “true” classical practice. However,
    the disjunction with practical reality remains: the meditative methodolog y of the
    text is just as at odds with today’s athletic practice as it is with early modern concep-
    tions of the habits of Yogis.

  3. Pinch 2006: 6.

  4. Isaacs 1958: 259.

  5. Holdrege 1996: 230.

  6. White 2009: 100.

  7. White 2009: 96.

  8. See Sarbacker 2005.

  9. As evidenced by the breadth of essays in Jacobsen 2011.

  10. Hatley 2007: 363– 64.

  11. See Ernst 2003 and 2005.

  12. See Torzsok 1999 and Brunner 1975.

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