Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1
210 Notes

  1. This distinction appears at the beginning of “Babaji, Yogi- Christ of Modern India”
    ( chapter 33), in which Yogananda first fully introduces the immortal Babaji.

  2. Yogananda 1951: 305.

  3. Babaji’s origins have since been “revealed” to the founders of the Kriya Babaji Sangh
    in South India (Bangalore, 1952), whom the Self Realization Fellowship has pre-
    dictably tried to suppress.

  4. Yogananda 1951: 310.

  5. Yogananda 1951: 312.

  6. Walters 2004: 347.

  7. See White 2009: 168 and chapter 1 in this book.


  1. This range of years is the best approximation I could arrive at. The exact program
    that featured this segment is unknown. A number of such clips were in possession
    of Choudhury’s headquarters, collected by his senior teachers, and were made avail-
    able on the Internet (the video in my possession was retrieved in March 2010) until
    they were inexplicably taken down, presumably due to copyright issues.

  2. Lorr 2012: 287n29.

  3. Martin 2011.

  4. Lorr 2012: 140.

  5. Lorr 2012: 150.

  6. The following account draws on Choudhury 2007, Lorr 2012, information dis-
    seminated by the Bishnu Ghosh Lineage Project, and anecdotal accounts passed
    around by Choudhury’s senior teachers and acolytes.

  7. Choudhury 2007: 28.

  8. Lorr 2012:  25. Apparently, Ghosh had previously declared that a heart attack
    would be the most pleasant mode of death.

  9. The introduction of the heated room definitely happened. No evidence of Japanese
    scientific articles or of Choudhury’s encounter with Nixon has ever been found.

  10. Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance’s 2016 “Yoga in America” study found that 36 mil-
    lion Americans practice some form of yoga and that they annually spend roughly
    $16 billion to do so. See “Yoga in America Study” 2016.

  11. Choudhury 2007: 32.

  12. For a detailed account, see Fish 2006.

  13. Susman 2005: 274.

  14. Choudhury 2014.

  15. Lorr 2012: 153– 55.

  16. Walters 2004: 189. For a “fanfiction- esque” account of Yogananda’s life as William
    the Conqueror and his connection to Kriyananda as his then- son, Henry I, see
    Kairavi 2010.

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