
(vip2019) #1

How yoga helps

Parkinson’s patients

A Colorado State University doctoral student has merged occupational
therapy (OT) with yoga to help those with Parkinson’s disease reduce their

risk of falling. We already know the benefits of yoga to people with
Parkinson’s, with a 2014 study showing a huge improvement in

participants’ stability and ability to walk, which significantly reduced
their risk of falling. But OT and yoga seem to be the perfect companions
—with preliminary findings showing that participants reported a 40 per

cent decrease in the number of falls during the intervention (combining
yoga and OT) compared to yoga alone.

You may remember the world’s biggest tantric yoga

school, based in Thailand, closing late last year after

sexual allegations by 14 women were published in The

Guardian. The women claimed that Agama Yoga was

facilitating rape, sexual assault and misogynist

teachings by their guru, Swami Vivekananda

Saraswati. While the school has been stripped of its

Yoga Alliance stamp of approval, they have recently

re-opened for business, with the Swami returning to

teach. Although Agama has made no public

statements since resuming business, they have

introduced a number of workshops on

the topic of ‘boundaries and consent’ in relation

to the tantric teachings.




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