
(vip2019) #1

Made famous by his role in Thor,
Chris Hemsworth is now

enthusiastically entering the world
of fitness fame with a new digital
health and fitness program. He’s

hand-picked a team of
internationally renowned experts

  • including Byron Bay’s very own

local yogi, Tahl Rinsky (aka @
trinskyyoga). The personalised

program can be customised to suit
any fitness level, dietary
requirements and lifestyle needs,

and promises to take the guesswork
out of health and wellbeing. Users
can expect a balance of training,

food and lifestyle guidance –
including daily workouts, meal

plans, meditations and access
to support from the celebrity

Hemsworth says, “I believe we
all have untapped potential.
And we all need support to achieve
our goals. Centr puts
the world’s best in the palm of your
hand, to help you develop
a healthier body, stronger
mind, and a happier life.”
And before you think all these
famous fitness friends will surely
require some serious spending,
it’s actually pretty reasonable
at a maximum of $4 a week.

Check it out at http://www.centr.com



Your belly and your brain

Gut health has been a hot topic for a while, and for good reason. Many
people are researching and writing about what’s happening between
your belly and your brain, and the intricate relationship between the
two. Recently, a study published in Nature Microbiology, illustrated that
two bugs, Faecalibacterium and Coprococcus, were both more common in
people who claimed to have a higher quality of life. Also, those with
depression are depleted in Coprococcus and Dialister. Although the study
doesn’t prove that gut health is responsible for brain health
(it could be the other way around), it does provide some interesting
insight and inspiration for future studies on the topic. Full study at
http://www.nature.com/articles, titled ‘The neuroactive potential of the
human gut microbiota in quality of life and depression.’
Free download pdf