
(vip2019) #1

A connection to nature nurtures kids

A Hong-Kong study surveyed 493 families with young children to

gauge kids’ connectedness to nature, revealing that parents whose children

felt more connected to nature experienced less distress and

hyperactivity, had fewer behavioural and emotional difficulties,

and healthier relationships with others.


the latest


april 2019


Too much

screen time?

There’s a vitamin for that

Did you know that, on average, Australians are spending
over nine hours a day in front of a screen? That’s close to
100 full days per year in front of a blue light, which can’t
be much fun for your eyes.
When a vitamin is released
promising to minimise the impact
of this twenty first century addiction
to screens, we’re skeptically
intrigued. When less screen time
isn’t an option, can a vitamin
really come to the rescue?
New Zealand based vitamin
brand, Go Healthy, boasts that
iProtect is here to save the day.
A powerful concoction of
ingredients traditionally used for
eye health are in the mix,
including Betacarotene known
for protecting the lens and retina
and Natural Fish Oil which may
assist with dry eyes. A bottle of capsules will set you back
$29.99. http://www.gohealthy.com.au



Two studies that observed exhaustion in
entrepreneurs from around the US have discovered
that mindfulness helps mitigate the effects of sleep
deprivation—something the yogis have been boasting
about for eons (with many reporting that their
meditation completely replaces sleep). Lead author,
Charles Murnieks, said, “As little as 70 minutes a
week, or 10 minutes a day, of mindfulness practice
may have the same benefits as an extra 44 minutes
of sleep a night.” Participants who engaged in the
highest level of mindfulness exercises reported
lower levels of exhaustion, helping them to
get back to business!
Free download pdf