Hashimoto\'s Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

(vip2019) #1
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In the case of subclinical hypothyroidism, endocrinologists are divided
on whether to start thyroid hormones or wait. Additionally, most medi-
cal websites state that nothing can be done to prevent the autoimmune
destruction of the gland.

I knew in my heart of hearts (or perhaps it was my gut) waiting around
while a part of my body destroyed itself couldn’t be right. I decided to use
the scientific literature review skills gained during my pharmacy studies
to seek out new research on Hashimoto’s.

Within a few hours, I found the following encouraging information:

• 200 mcg of selenium daily is shown to reduce anti-thyroid antibod-
ies by 20–50 percent over one year. And yes, it was a statistically
significant study, for you statistics buffs! (p value <0.000005)^1

• Thyroid supplementation may be used with subclinical hypothy-
roidism to improve outcomes.^2

• Strict adherence to a gluten-free diet normalized subclinical hypo-
thyroidism in some cases.^3

I also decided to search for information on medical boards where patients
shared their experiences. In my work as a clinical consulting pharmacist,
I had often examined these sites to gain insight into patient perspectives
on the effectiveness of various medications. Many times, they contained
information that had not yet been described in the scientific and main-
stream literature and was still considered experimental.

I was excited to read a testimonial stating, “Acupuncture eliminated my
need for levothyroid (I was up to 300 mcg a day); and I no longer test
positive for anti-thyroid antibodies.”^4

Unfortunately, my insurance did not cover acupuncture, but what
did I have to lose (other than money, of course)? I decided to give it
a shot. I also scheduled appointments with an endocrine specialist,
cardiologist, and gynecologist. I felt like I was twenty-seven going
on seventy-two.

Over the next three years, I spent an enormous amount of time and mon-
ey to heal myself. I read scores of books, spent countless hours research-
ing medical journals, perused health blogs, attended numerous health
conferences, visited various health care professionals, and made myself a
human guinea pig.

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