Hashimoto\'s Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

(vip2019) #1
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I woke up one day at 5:17 a.m. and decided to start writing this book.
I had always loved writing and had even attended a novel-writing work-
shop in 2007. The instructor said working people have the best chance
of writing a book by waking up two hours prior to their usual rising
time and writing. With a full-time job and a myriad of responsibilities, I
thought becoming an author would be impossible, and I gave up on that
dream. But now, here I was ... doing the impossible. Certainly, if I could
wake up energized after only six hours of sleep after feeling chronically
exhausted for ten years, I could easily overcome Hashimoto’s and then
write a book about it!

But the journey did not stop there. The energetic feeling only lasted a
few weeks, and unfortunately, I suffered many setbacks before I found
something that worked for me. But I never forgot how great it had been
to finally feel normal, and I kept pushing on and fighting. After much
perseverance, time, and trial and error, I can finally say I was successful,
and my Hashimoto’s is now in remission.

I am going to share my rationale for the root cause and treatment of
Hashimoto’s based on what finally worked for me with the hope that it
perhaps will also work for some of my readers. I am also going to share
the process of how I came to find my root cause. I hope that my journey
will inspire others to find their root cause(s) using a similar methodology.

The next three chapters summarize the conventional knowledge about
Hashimoto’s taught to most physicians during their medical school
training. This information is about fifteen to twenty years behind the
research that will be presented in subsequent chapters, but it will serve as
a great starting point for expanding your knowledge about Hashimoto’s

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