Hashimoto\'s Thyroiditis Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

(vip2019) #1
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condition. The supplemental hormone did not stop the destruction of
the thyroid gland by thyroid antibodies. It simply added more hormone
when the thyroid was too damaged to produce it on its own. It was like
pouring water into a leaky bucket without plugging up the holes causing
the leak.

Furthermore, I was only twenty-seven! I’d just gotten married, started
my dream job, moved to a house by the beach in Los Angeles ... this was
not right.

I am a firm believer in cause and effect, and it did not make sense to me
that this disorder just appeared out of nowhere. On top of it all, I had
been suffering from severe digestive troubles for over a year. I was chroni-
cally fatigued and experiencing profuse hair loss. It seemed unnatural
to me to do nothing as a part of my body was being destroyed. It didn’t
make sense. Those who know me will attest that I can be stubborn when
I feel I have been wronged.

We can decide the world is unfair and ponder the many reasons for the
lack of lifestyle interventions, but focusing on the problem rarely yields
a solution.

But perhaps, I thought to myself, if I could make connections among all
of my symptoms, then maybe I could find and treat the root cause of my
condition, and once I did, hopefully my story would inspire others to do
the same.

Sometimes we have to be the change we want to happen and hope the
medical establishment will take note and promote further research.

Warning: While this book is based on research and results have been
reproduced, many of the statements are based my own personal observa-
tions and experience. Furthermore, everyone is unique, and the interven-
tions that worked for me may not work for others.

While above all I strive first to do no harm and nothing I recommend
is toxic, please make sure that if you are taking thyroid hormone, your
levels are monitored on a regular basis (i.e., every six to twelve weeks), as
your condition may change after implementing lifestyle interventions.

Although this book may not help everyone find and treat the root cause
of their condition, it will describe how people with Hashimoto’s hypo-
thyroidism can enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and I hope this book will in-
spire readers to do so.

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