
(Sean Pound) #1
pathways in the brain. In other words,
meditation essentially eliminates the
suffering related to pain.

One more reason to petition your boss
for yoga classes at the office? Practicing
in the workplace was shown to reduce
employee stress and ease back pain
in a study published in the Journal
Occupational Medicine. Study
participants, who were employees of the

British government, were asked to
practice yoga for 50 minutes once a
week for eight weeks. They were also
allowed to practice up to twice a week
for 20 minutes at home with a DVD.
When compared with a group that did
no yoga at all, the yoga practitioners
reported lower levels of stress and
sadness as well as less back pain.
Though the study was small, it adds to a
growing body of research that confirms
yogas’ many pain-reducing benefits.

“Though the study was small, it
adds to a growing body of
research that confirms yogas’
many pain-reducing benefits..”

“Chronic pain is frequently
associated with distress, and neck pain
specifically is related to high levels of
stress,” says Anderas Michalsen, M.D.,
one of the study researchers and a
professor at Charite University Berlin.
He hypothesises that any of a variety
of meditation forms shown to relieve
stress, including mindfulness
meditation, could offer similar
benefits for pain relief by modulating
36 neurobiological pain signals and

february/march 2019


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