
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019


If you’re unable to straighten yo
top leg due to tight hamstrings.
TRY using a strap around the arch of your
top foot. Hold the strap in each hand,
and move your leg away from your chest
until you can straighten your leg.
A straight leg will most effectively stretch
your hamstring, so there is no shame
in using a stap.

Modify Supta Padangusthasana as necessary

to fi nd safe alignment in your body.

If you feel strain in your neck

or if it’s hard to keep your
head in a neutral position

TRY placing a folded towel or blanket
under your head at a height that feels
comfortable and allows your chin to rest
in a neutral position (not tucked in, and
not lifted away from your throat).

If your lower back feels
uncomfortable or if it’s
challenging to maintain a
lumbar curve...
TRY bending your bottom leg and
planting the sole of your foot on the
mat near your sitting bone. This should
help you maintain a lumbar curve and
free you up to move your top leg
more easily.
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