
(Sean Pound) #1
Our ProWriter and model Alison West, PhD is the founder and director of Yoga Union and the
Yoga Union Backcare & Scoliosis Centre in New York City. Learn more at yogaunion.com.

You’ll get the same traction that you do in a dowel-modified Boat Pose in this
pose, which provides spinal length and encourages you to maintain a neutral
spine as you come to pelvic flexion. You may also find, if you have the ability to
come forward about 30–45 degrees, that released abdominal breathing begins:
The support of the dowel frees your abdominal muscles from the work of
supporting your spine and allows your abdominals to release forward, which can
create a more peaceful, expanded breath.

Sit on a block at a height at which you can lean forward comfortably without
rounding your back. Place the dowel between the top of your legs and down into
the front edge of the block. (A foam block offers a more receptive surface, but
you can use a wood or cork block, folded blankets, or anything similar. You can
also sit on the floor, make a fold across your yoga mat, and nestle the dowel in
front of your pubic bone.) Reach your hands up as high as you can, placing one
hand just above the other. (Bend your elbows if you feel any strain.) Let the base
of your breastbone touch the dowel if your body proportions allow it, and lift
your breastbone along the dowel. You can rest your forehead on the dowel if this
feels comfortable and does not induce lumbar flexion (rounding). Firm your legs.
Hold for 5–7 breaths. Switch your hands. Hold for another 5–7 breaths.


Seated Forward Bend

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