
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019


IT’S ALL TOO EASY to find yourself on
autopilot, simply going through the
same-old motions: work, eat, yoga,
sleep, repeat. And while sometimes
sticking to your routine is a good
thing—like showering every morning,
without which you might start to lose
friends—it can also make your life (and,
let’s face it, you) a bit boring. Which is
why there are tremendous benefits to
stepping outside your go-to box,
whether that box includes eating the
same bowl of steel-cut oats every
morning or going to the same yoga class
every other night. The path to your
escape: tapping your creativity.
Now, before you start having
flashbacks to those miserable,
parent-mandated piano lessons of your
childhood, take a big breath. We’re not
suggesting you need to develop the
musical skills of Mozart, write the next
great Australian novel, or innovate a
best-selling app. Rediscovering the
creative genius inside you is actually
much simpler than all of that.
“We all have many seeds of creativity
in us,” says Gail Brenner, PhD, author
of The End of Self-Help: Discovering
Peace and Happiness Right at the Heart
of Your Messy, Scary, Brilliant Life. “We
just have to make the space for them to
come through and flourish.” Of course,
our yoga and meditation practices can
help us do that. Read on for expert
advice, techniques, and more to help
you step fully into your creative flow.

Even when things are going

great, you can still get mired in

daily patterns that start to

feel uninspiring at best, and

draining at worst. This year,

why not break out of your

comfort zone and discover how

much richer life can be? Here’s

everything you need to start.

By Sally Wadyka

Free download pdf