
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019




First, some incentive

Not sure exactly how dusting off your old guitar or buying a blank canvas and some paint is
anything more than a distraction? Theo Tsaousides, PhD, a neuropsychologist and author
of Brainblocks: Overcoming the 7 Hidden Barriers to Success, says that creative ventures like
these actually prompt our brains to produce and combine ideas, making us more likely to
adapt, change, and grow in other aspects of our lives. “Creativity is the key that unlocks our
brain’s potential,” he says. “In fact, when we don’t allow our brains to think creatively, we
court a variety of problems that can affect everything from how productive we are to how
much enjoyment and satisfaction we get out of our lives.” By letting your brain go freestyle,
you could:
Combat depression. Consider the nature of depression, a condition that affects around
one million Australian adults in any one year, according to the Beyond Blue. Depression
often involves looking at the world through a glass darkly but being unable to change that
perspective, says Tsaousides. “But if you’re in the habit of thinking creatively and coming
up with options for solving problems, it can lead to a sense of hopefulness that can help
stave off feelings of depression,” he says.
Ease anxiety. When we become overwhelmed with worry, it’s often because we fear one
particular outcome, says Tsaousides. But if you’re able to imagine alternative scenarios, it
helps to put your mind at ease.
Boost productivity. Creativity involves taking risks—and, often, failing at what you set
out to do. However, allowing yourself the freedom to try and to fail can help you discover
what doesn’t work, which also shines a light on what does work, ultimately leading you to
greater success. And that can fuel your hunger for more success, which in turn increases
your productivity, says Tsaousides.

Take the (mental) road less travelled

We all have ways in which we think of ourselves— and ways in which we believe others define us: smart, athletic, type A,
scatterbrained.“We get so attached to these labels that it can be incredibly difficult to do something outside of them,” says
Tsaousides. In the Yoga Sutras, these patterns are called samskaras—mental and emotional habits through which we
continuously cycle. Repeating our samskaras only reinforces them, creating little “grooves” of thought and feeling that
become our go-to patterns. Yet it is possible to steer out of these negative grooves, says Brenner, by reframing how we
view the world, our relationships, and—perhaps most importantly—ourselves. Try these expert-approved exercises to
help you find freedom from the negative samskaras that might be hindering your realisation of a more fulfilled self.

EXCEPTION. “We get used to our usual
thought patterns and feelings, but it’s
important to understand that staying in
them is a choice,” says Brenner. So,
recognise whatever your storyline is and
become more aware of it—ideally, when
you’re playing it on repeat in your mind.
Maybe you habitually beat yourself up
after receiving constructive criticism
from your co-workers or boss and tell
yourself you’re not smart enough to do a
great job. Or perhaps you have a long
to-do list but can’t seem to get started
because you’ve failed to complete those
tasks in the past—so why would this
time be any different? Simply looking at
the confines of your typical thoughts
and behaviours will make you more
likely to see their limits, and in so doing,

come to recognise that other options are
always available. “When you realise
your self-imposed boundaries, that’s
when you can work toward making a
change,” says Brenner.

SIT WITH YOURSELF. All too often, we’ll
exercise or attend yoga class just for the
physical benefits or to connect with
friends, which is great. But it’s also
important to carve out time for quiet
reflection, whether that’s sitting down
to meditate every morning or simply
having a cup of tea each night in relative
silence. “Collaborative thinking and
community support are great ways to
help fuel your creativity and move you
in a positive direction, but in order
to implement changes, you need to
get quiet so you can process that input

and determine your next best steps,”
says Christine Whelan, PhD, a
professor at the School of Human

MAKE SMALL CHANGES. You don’t have
to spend a lot of money on a new habit
or do a complete life 180—say, by
quitting your job or moving cities—in
order to tap into new thoughts and
ideas. “Start by trying something as
innocuous as driving a different route to
work or mixing up your usual breakfast
menu,” says Tsaousides. Yes, even such
seemingly minor changes can help train
your brain to be open to—and get ready
for—bigger shifts. It’s like building up
your tolerance to change so that when
something big comes along, you can
handle it with ease, he says.
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