
(Sean Pound) #1








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GET COMFY WITH DISCOMFORT. Part of the work of
shedding old patterns involves embracing the fact that
you might feel awkward or even slightly miserable in
your new, unfamiliar world. The best way to practice
this acceptance is to repeatedly expose yourself to
things that don’t feel easy. For example, you might
volunteer to go fi rst when presenting ideas at a work
meeting even though you hate public speaking or fear
that your co-workers will judge you. Or you could say
“yes” when your best friend invites you to her favourite
Saturday-morning dance class instead of going to your
usual yoga class. When you feel uncomfortable or a
little out of your element, remind yourself that your
efforts are ultimately broadening your current comfort
zone, outside of which new ideas await.

REPACK YOUR BAGGAGE. “Life is a journey, and the stuff
you needed in your bag to get to where you are now may
not be the stuff you need on the journey going forward,”
says Whelan. That means it’s time to dump it all out
and really assess what’s there: material possessions,
your friends, your emotions, your job, and so on. Then,
ask yourself: “What’s serving me and what’s not?” And:
“What’s helping me break free of my negative
samskaras and strengthen the positive ones?” Once
you’ve assessed everything in front of you, you’ll be in a
better position to decide what stays and what goes.
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