
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019





Surprising ways to

spur your innovation

  1. Take a Walk
    There’s a reason you come up with your best ideas while
    you’re exercising: going for a casual walk fosters more creative
    thinking than sitting, according to a Stanford University study.
    Experts think it’s because walking makes the heart pump more
    quickly, which circulates more fresh, oxygenated (read:
    energising) blood to all of your organs—including your brain.

Travel can be a wonderful way to enhance your
creativity, according to research by Adam Galinsky, PhD,
a professor at Columbia Business School—especially
when you immerse yourself in the local culture (rather
than, say, opting for the all-inclusive beach resort).
Galinsky has found that foreign travel in particular
boosts the flexibility of your thinking, sparking new ideas.

  1. Leave your
    desk messy.
    Finally, a good excuse not to tidy
    up! A study at the University of
    Minnesota found that people forced
    to work in messy offices came up
    with more creative and interesting
    ideas than those in neater spaces.

  2. Let Yourself Be Bored
    Turns out that mundane tasks may not be as useless as you might think:
    In one recent study, participants who were assigned to copy numbers
    out of a phone directory for 15 minutes (yawn!) were more creative on
    the next task (coming up with new uses for a pair of Styrofoam cups).
    So next time you’re bored. Be bored. Revel in the doing a boring task,
    especially if it’s repetitive and mind-numbing. Go with the feeling
    knowing that it’s setting your mind for something more challenging and
    creative when the boring task is over.

Do a quick body scan.
This style of meditation is
more than simply relaxing; it
can also help you tap your
creativity to solve problems.
One study published in the
Journal Mindfulness found
that a meditation practice
during which participants
were receptive to every thought
and sensation in their body
made them better at divergent
thinking—the creative process
of coming up with numerous
possible solutions to a
problem—than when their
meditation involved focusing
on a single thought, mantra,
or object surprising ways to
spur innovation.

7 Start doodling.
Next time you’re stuck in a
long meeting, pick up your
pen and go to town in the
margins of the paper in front
of you. Doodling improves
your focus and memory,
according to research
published in the journal
Applied Cognitive Psychology,
creative juices, solidify ideas,
and inspire new notions.

3.Eat more fruit ...
And soy and seeds and
any other food that
contains high levels of
tyrosine, and amino
acid that is assumed to
increase your ability to
think and harder and
more creatively, reports
a study in the journal
Psychological Research.
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