
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019


JENNIFER BROWN starts each morning
by downing a 400ml glass of water
mixed with a squeeze of lemon.
Although this morning ritual is an
Ayurvedic practice that promises to rev
the digestion system, Brown says it’s
also hydration insurance—something
that anyone shouldn’t take lightly this
time of year. “In the summer, our
temperatures top 40 degrees pretty
often. Even at 7pm, they’re still up
around 30 degrees,” says Brown, a
registered dietitian who also teaches
Aside from her morning practice,
Brown doesn’t keep track of how much
water she consumes each day. Instead,
she’s proactive about keeping a quick
swig within reach. “I usually carry a
water bottle—and I have a glass of
water by my bed at night—so I’m
hydrating all the time,” she says. And
Brown tells her clients that the “eight
glasses of water a day” rule isn’t really
a rule at all. “There isn’t much science
behind that old recommendation,” she
says. Instead, she urges clients to think
more broadly about hydration: “Water
is great, but hydration is the key—and
that can come from fluid-rich foods,
That’s right, a lot of things we put
in our bodies contribute to our liquid
needs—even caffeinated or alcoholic
beverages (though you may want to
avoid them for other health or
personal reasons). In fact, most people
chew a considerable amount of their
fluid requirements, says Kelly
Pritchett, PhD, RD, assistant professor
in nutrition and exercise science. “It’s
not unusual for you to get four cups of
fluid from foods with high water
content, such as fruits and vegetables,”
she says.
So how close does that get us to our
total daily needs? The Health and
Medicine Division at the National
Academies of Sciences recommends
that most women consume about 2.5
litres of fluid each day (a little more
than 11 cups), while men need about
3.5 litres (nearly 16 cups). But body
weight, rather than gender, is actually
a better guide, according to Brown.
Male or female, we should consume
between 30 and 40ml of fluid per kilo
of body weight, with a few caveats:
Pregnant and breastfeeding women,
people who work or live in warm or
high-altitude environments, and

athletes—including many yogis—may
require more. Most people who take
Hatha, flow, or especially hot-yoga
classes that last an hour or longer need
to drink or eat after class, regardless of
where they live. “Whatever you sweat
out, you should replace,” Brown says.
Of course, how much to replenish is
another puzzle to solve, since sweat
rates can vary widely, according to a
2007 study in the Journal of the
American College of Nutrition. Some
people can perspire up to 3 litres
during intense exercise in a hot
environment (think a 90 minute hot
yoga class), though those people tend
to be the intense, need-a-mop-for-
that-yoga-mat sweaters. Most of us
who take even a tough class won’t
sweat to the point of dehydration,
which Pritchett defines as losing 2
percent of your body weight—enough
to tax your heart and central nervous
system. Still, even half that loss can
cause side effects: one study from
Central Washington University
revealed that the average sweat loss for
hot-yoga participants was about 1
percent of body mass, which
researchers say may result in lethargy
or impaired decision making. To
determine what you lose during
practice, weigh yourself before yoga
class, don’t drink anything during the
class, and then weigh yourself again
afterward—the difference is your
rehydration goal.
And remember that it’s not just
water that needs to be replaced, says
Brown. Electrolytes, such as sodium,
calcium, potassium, and bicarbonate,
also need to be restocked; they help
repair body tissue and regulate nerve
and muscle function, blood pressure,
and hydration. “Try coconut water—it
replaces fluids and is a natural source
of electrolytes,” suggests Brown. Or,
grab a healthy meal. Fruit and veggie-
rich dishes are ideal post-workout
rechargers because they’re hydrating
and contain electrolytes, vitamins, and
minerals—without the added sugar of
some mass-market sports drinks.
Another perk: when water is bound to
food, it slows absorption and lasts
longer in our bellies, making us feel
satiated longer. Seeking a little
hydration inspiration? The refreshing
recipes will quench your thirst plus
satisfy your cravings for something
summery and delicious.
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