
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019


OUR PRO Jolie Manza is an Australian yoga teacher and movement professional located in Bali. She’s the founder of YogaKoh, a
school specialising in teacher trainings, retreats, and workshops worldwide. Learn more at yogakoh.com.

15 Eka Pada Rajakapotasana variation
One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
From Extended Puppy Pose, lift to Down Dog to create
some space to draw your right knee behind your right wrist.
Take a moment to check that your back ankle is straight and
your back leg is firmly rooted to the ground, in line with
your hip. Both hips should be directed forward to ensure
a safe lower back position. Inhale to lengthen your spine
and open your chest before walking your hands forward,
folding into a restorative Pigeon Pose. Soften here for 5–8
breath cycles, then repeat on the other side.

16 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Bridge Pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat. Lift your hips,
and slide a block beneath your lower back where your sacrum
meets your upper glutes. Choose a block setting depending
on how intense you want the stretch, but remember that the
purpose of this posture is to restore and cool down your
body. Lower onto the block, and begin to relax. You should be
able to balance here without effort, so if you feel like you’re
holding yourself up with your legs or falling off the block,
make small adjustments until you hit that sweet spot. Close
your eyes, and stay here for 8–12 breaths. Then finish with 5
minutes of Savasana (Corpse Pose).

13 Malasana variation

Garland Pose

Move your feet under your hips, slightly externally rotating your
legs and feet. Bend your knees to lower into a squat. Try to keep
both feet rooted firmly into the ground as you lengthen your
spine. It’s okay if your heels lift a little. Place a block between
your palms, and lengthen your arms up alongside your ears.
The goal here is not to collapse your lower back but to draw
in your core, lengthening through your spine. Keep your legs
engaged with your inner thighs active and your arms vigorously
reaching up—working on maintaining
upper-thigh to rib connection.
Hold for 10 seconds, and repeat
3 times.

14 Anahatasana
Extended Puppy Pose
From Balasana (Child’s Pose), walk your hands forward, lifting
your hips above your knees. Sink your chest and chin toward
the ground. For a modification, drop your forehead (rather
than your chin) to the earth, or place it on a block. Stay here
for 5 breaths.


your practice

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