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Hampshire Life: February 2019 (^) Š 89
News from schools and colleges
across the county
A Portsmouth rock school
is on the move as it grows
to take on more students.
The Rock Project sees
professional gigging
musicians teach 7-18 year
olds how to sing, play the
drums, bass and guitar
before performing as
This month the team
will be packing up and
heading to Orchard Lee
Junior School in Fareham.
The Rock Project
Portsmouth organiser
Sam Fry said: “We are
really excited to be moving
to this new venue, which
we hope will help us take
on more Rock Project
“We have a very talented
group of students, and
it’s wonderful to see their
transformation not only
as musicians but watching
their confidence grow as
The weekly Rock Project
sessions are divided into
two parts with one half
concentrating on tutoring
students in their chosen
instrument, while in the
second part they put what
they’ve learnt into practice
to come together and play
as a band.
Sessions will take place
every Thursday during
term-time, with the junior
group, for 7-11-year-olds,
from 4.15pm - 6.15pm, and
seniors aged 12-18 from
6.30pm - 8.30pm.
Find out more at
Children at Brookham School in Liphook
enjoyed meeting a real police officer
recently when they were visited by PC
McBrown. Arriving in his police vehicle
with his blue lights flashing, the children
listened in awe as he told them about
how he keeps people safe and showed
off some of the equipment that he uses
in order to successfully carry out his job.
The children were particularly fascinated
by how, and why, police officers use
‘stingers’ to stop cars in a car chase.
Finally, they were lucky enough to climb
into the vehicle, speak through the
megaphone and press the button to make
the siren go off.
Recyling challenge
Contact: [email protected]
Hampshire schools are being encouraged
to ‘Recycle with Michael’, as part of an
initiative by The Salvation Army Trading
Company Ltd to divert thousands of tonnes
of unwanted clothing and shoes away from
Local schools that sign up to the scheme
will be challenged to fill as many bags as
possible before the end of March 2019,
for the chance to be crowned Michael’s
recycling champions. The winning school –
calculated as the one with the highest ratio
of bags to pupils - will receive a trophy,
certificate and a very special visit from
Michael, the scheme’s mascot.
Designed especially for primary school-
aged children, the programme is also an
important way for schools to generate
much-needed funds - a percentage of the
bags’ financial value is donated back to
the school to spend how they wish. The
remaining funds raised will go towards
supporting The Salvation Army’s important
work to help vulnerable people from all
walks of life in communities across the UK.
The scheme aims to educate young
people about the importance of recycling in
a fun and engaging way and is supported
by free downloadable school materials
such as presentations, posters and lesson
plans which teach environmental and
charitable messages.
Schools can sign up by visiting
recyclewithmichael.co.uk to register and
request bags.

Free download pdf