
(Darren Dugan) #1


arlene and Michael were seasoned, happy campers.
They’d done “the whole camping without toilets thing”
but one soggy day, loading up the car in the pouring
rain with their young children, they had an epiphany:
to ditch the tent poles and buy some wheels. No more
packing and unpacking. Just hop in and leave.
When they started looking for something to buy, they couldn’t
find anything new, or second-hand, that suited their sense of style
or that they wanted to ‘live’ in. So the experienced renovators and
designers turned to their talents. “We thought the smart and fun
thing to do would be to renovate a vintage caravan,” says Carlene.
“They have the most character and are such a cool shape.”
Dolly is the third cab-off-the-rank. The family of four outgrew the
first two caravans they renovated, but the experience helped them
to identify what would make life more comfortable.
“We definitely needed more space and a caravan big enough to
have designated areas,” says Carlene. “Dolly is a 22-footer [almost
seven metres], with beds at both ends and a particularly spacious
kitchen area, which is a real luxury in a van.”
Dolly is named after Dolly Everett, the Australian teenager who
took her own life amid cyberbullying. “The story touched us and we
wanted to make a statement and remember her and her situation,”
says Carlene. “As parents bringing up children in a world of social
media, it triggered something in us.”
In previous caravans, the couple had replaced the cabinetry with
IKEA cupboards, but since Dolly’s was intact they decided to simply
paint it all blue (Dolly Everett’s favourite colour). However, they did
take out the amber-coloured glass from the front of the kitchen
cupboards and replace it with brass netting. “Brass accents are our

KITCHEN Simple white subway tiles
transformed the kitchen and vinyl planks
in Spotted Gum by Decorug instantly
modernised the floor. CABINETS Old
glass cupboard fronts were removed
and given a style update with brass wire
netting. FAMILY (opposite) Michael
and Carlene Duffy, who were contestants
on The Block: Glasshouse in 2014, with
children Paddy, 9, and Stella, 7, and their
lovingly restored vintage caravan Dolly.
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