Families and Personal Networks An International Comparative Perspective

(sharon) #1


sonal networks is higher in Portugal (4.35, with a standard deviation of
2.42) than in Switzerland (3.74 with a standard deviation of 2.24) and
Lithuania (3.44, with a standard deviation of 1.86). Regarding co-
residence, we can see that the majority of alters in all three countries have
lived at some point in their lives with ego, but the percentage is very high
in Lithuania (82%) in comparison with the other two countries. This
may follow from the fact that in Lithuania nearly all the members (93%)
of personal networks are kin (see Chap. 3 ). In fact, when we compare the
types of ties across national context, the three countries reveal contrasting
profiles. Almost all the alters in Lithuania are linked to ego by kinship ties
(only 7% are non-kin), while in Portugal this latter proportion doubles
(15.4%) and is four times higher in Switzerland (28.3%). Thus, in spite
of the predominance of kin in respondents’ circle of important relation-
ships in all three countries, results reveal a greater inclusion of non-kin^1
in the personal networks of the Swiss and Portuguese respondents.
The number and frequency of ties perceived by individuals as-family
also varies considerably across the three countries (Table 4.1). In Portugal
and Lithuania a very high proportion (90%) of important ties are per-
ceived as family bonds whereas in Switzerland only 68.9% of significant
alters are considered as family. Comparing the number of alters consid-
ered as close persons and the number of alters considered as family, we
witness a slight decrease in Portugal and Lithuania and a strong decrease

Table 4.1 Characteristics of members in networks of personal relationships.
Frequency in absolute numbers and percentage of alters with each attribute

(N = 4582)

(N = 2943)

(N = 3451)
% N % N % N
Kin 84.6 3864 71.7 2109 93.3 3203
Non-kin 15.4 705 28.3 834 6.7 231
Co-residence 67.5 3082 62.2 1829 82.2 2824
Non co-residence 32.5 1483 37.8 1113 17.8 613
As-family 90.5 4143 69.0 2029 90.3 3086
Not as-family 9.5 432 31.0 911 9.7 333
Emotional support expected 86.9 3981 70.7 2080 78.4 2706
Emotional support not expected 13.1 601 29.3 863 21.6 745
Note: the numbers in bold correspond to the categories which are
overrepresented based on χ^2 tests and standardized residuals

K. Wall et al.
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