Families and Personal Networks An International Comparative Perspective

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presented in the chapter. In Switzerland, the research was supported by the Swiss
National Science Foundation and the Swiss National Centre of Competence in
Research LIVES Overcoming Vulnerability: Life-Course Perspectives. In
Portugal, the research was carried out within the national survey, “Family
Trajectories and Social Networks”, coordinated by Professor K. Wall from the
Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) from the University of Lisbon. In Lithuania,
the research was carried out based on data collected within the research project,
“Trajectories of Family Models and Personal Networks: Intergenerational
Perspective”, coordinated by Professor  V.  Kanopiené from Mykolas Romeris
University (Lithuania) and funded by the Research Council of Lithuania.


  1. Non-kin: Ex-partner, Male Friends, Female Friends, Colleagues, and Other

  2. This size measure also includes individuals who did not consider any of
    the personal network members as family.

  3. Data for Switzerland not available.


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Changing Meanings of Family in Personal Relationships...
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