Families and Personal Networks An International Comparative Perspective

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to the former (Standard-nuclear and Narrow-nuclear configurations) and
two to the latter (Parent and Sibling-oriented configurations). However,
for some individuals, the boundaries of their personal configurations
extend further, encompassing lineal relationships (Beanpole configura-
tions), collateral, and in-law relationships (Extended conjugal and Mixed
configurations). Finally, work environments and friends met over the life
course in different sociability contexts are important for around one-fifth
of the respondents. The importance of friendship was found in previous
studies, even when the focus was only on family configurations (Aeby
et al. 2014 ; Widmer 2010 ). The importance of the work sphere was high-
lighted in studies dedicated to personal ties (Pahl and Spencer 2004 ; Viry
2012 ), highlighting the fact that for some individuals there is no strict
divide between family and work in terms of importance. In other words,
friendship and kinship ties are very significant in both family and per-
sonal configurations—especially, partners, children, parents, and sib-
lings—whereas other non-kinship ties, especially those related to work,
are only prominent in personal configurations. In the following sections
we will see whether some personal configurations are more prominent in
specific contexts and to what extent they depend on individuals’ posi-
tions in social and family structures.

Personal Configurations in the Light of Macro


After this overview of the main types of personal configuration, we pres-
ent their distribution across countries (see Table 5.2). In Portugal the first
most common type of configuration is Narrow-nuclear (17.7%), followed
by Parents (14.8%), and Extended conjugal (14.7%) configurations; in
Switzerland Friendship (21.6%) followed by Narrow-nuclear (13.6%) and
Parents (12.8%) configurations; and in Lithuania Narrow-nuclear
(28.1%) followed by Parent (14.9%) and Standard-nuclear (11.6%) con-
figurations. Thus, Narrow-nuclear and Parent configurations are among
the top three in the three countries of interest. In the last position,
Portugal has Alone (0.5%), Switzerland Beanpole (2.2%), and Lithuania
Friendship (2.1%) configurations.

Mapping the Plurality of Personal Configurations
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