Families and Personal Networks An International Comparative Perspective

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associated with Siblings and Mixed configurations, whereas the Solo type
of co-residence trajectories makes the Wo rk personal configuration more
likely. Logically non-parental types of trajectories (Solo, Conjugality,
Leaving parental home) are negatively associated with the formation of
either Standard-nuclear or Narrow-nuclear personal configurations. In
Switzerland, gender plays a role in predicting only two types of personal
configurations, as women are more often integrated in a Parents configu-
ration, whereas men are more likely to develop Narrow-nuclear configu-
rations. Birth cohort—which in this case is rather a proxy for age, as we
consider the 20 years preceding interviews and hence the position in the
individual life course—is positively associated with the Parents type and
negatively associated with the Wo rk type. Note that in this country,
younger cohorts have greater odds of having Solo and Conjugal trajecto-
ries and are less likely to follow Parental trajectories, a result found in
another Swiss study (Widmer and Gauthier 2013 ). Interestingly, these
two childless trajectories are associated with two different types of per-
sonal configurations, Wo rk for the former and Siblings, Extended conjugal,
and Mixed for the latter.
In Portugal, co-residence trajectories are predictors in six of nine types
of personal configurations. Solo co-residence trajectories tend to produce
Wo rk and Siblings configurations (but rarely Narrow-nuclear ones). Those
following Leaving parental home trajectories are more often integrated in
Parents personal configurations. Interestingly, Extended conjugal configu-
rations are less likely among individuals following Transition to empty nest
trajectories, which represent the continuation of the Parenthood type.
Logically, childless co-residence trajectories are negatively associated with
personal configurations based on the family of procreation (i.e., Standard-
nuclear and Narrow-nuclear). In Portugal, women are more likely to
develop Siblings personal configurations, the sole type for which gender
plays a role. Age is a predictor of four of the nine personal configurations.
Younger individuals are more likely to develop Parents and Mixed con-
figurations and are less frequently integrated in Friendship and Standard-
nuclear configurations. Compared to those with a medium level of
education, individuals with lower levels of education are more commonly
associated with Beanpole and Narrow-nuclear configurations and less
likely to be found in Parents and Wo rk configurations. On the other hand,

J.-A. Gauthier et al.
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