MaximumPC 2005 03

(Dariusz) #1



hen you must have a hot-rod-quality

paint fi nish on your PC, there are two

roads you can take: handing your case

over to a professional or rolling up

your sleeves and taking on the challenge yourself.

A growing number of crossover craftspeople have

brought their skill and experience with automotive

and motorcycle paint fi nishing to the world of case

modding. As a result, you can ship your case to them

and, for a fee, have it shipped back to you with a high-

quality custom-paint fi nish, airbrushed graphics,

logos, or any design you can imagine. These skilled

artists have the experience and the equipment to

create the most stunning paint fi nish your case will

ever have, and with that comes a hefty price tag. It’s

not uncommon to fi nd prices from a few hundred

dollars to more than a $1,000, depending on the

design and complexity of the project.

If you don’t have the bucks to spend on a custom

paint job or a “friend in the business” with the free

time and equipment to help with your project, you

can get a very respectable fi nish on your case (and

keyboard, monitor, mouse, and so forth) with about

$25, some elbow grease, and the patience of a saint.

More than a few modders on the scene are masters

of the spray-can paint fi nish, and there’s no reason

you can’t achieve the same expert results with lots of

practice, some common sense, and a helpful guide

to point you in the right direction. I have no doubt

that after you do the fi rst paint job right, you’ll be

addicted and will strive to make the next one even

better. Secrets to great paint fi nishes are locked

away in those hardware store rattle cans, and if

you’re unfamiliar with the techniques in this article,

you’re in for a surprise.

Paint Your Case

Like a


Step-by-step instructions to

make your basic enclosure

look badass BY PAUL CAPELLO

Free download pdf