MaximumPC 2005 03

(Dariusz) #1
10 UPS Shipment Tracker
You just ordered a shiny new CPU, and
you’re dying for it to arrive. What better
way to keep an eye on its status than
with the UPS Shipment Tracker. Input
up to five tracking numbers and this
handy widget will keep you updated on
your package’s status, ‘round the clock.
No more mashing “refresh” on the UPS page
for you! ■

1 ClipDrop
The Clipboard
history sidebar in
Microsoft Office
might seem like
a goofy feature, but
we’ve always liked it.
The ClipDrop widget
works exactly the same
way: It saves the last few
items that appear on your clipboard, and then lets you
paste them to the clipboard—in any application.

2 mini FTP We upload files to a private FTP
site all the time, and the mini FTP widget makes
it easier than ever. Once you set up the
widget to point to your FTP site, all
you have to do is drag and drop the
files you want to upload to it, and away
they go.

3 mini iTunes Remote iTunes is fabu-
lous for managing large music collections,
but the included mini-player mode is too
big and clunky. The mini
iTunes Remote offers
all the important func-
tionality—play, pause,
next track, and previous
track—in a much tidier

4 iTunes
Companion The
iTunes Companion
also offers remote
control of iTunes,
but we turn those
features off. Instead,
we set the widget to
float and it quietly
grabs album cover
art from Amazon.


5 eBay Watcher Let’s face it, there’s a whole lot of neat stuff
for sale on eBay, but it’s a drag to keep checking eBay’s ass-slow
web site. With the eBay Watcher widget, you can plug in the auc-
tion IDs of the items you’re interested in, and it’ll update the cur-
rent high bid every five minutes.

6 mini Calendar This is
a pretty easy concept: mini
Calendar is like a calendar,
but smaller. You can change
months and click on different
days, or just leave it floating in
the background.

7 mini Weather The only
real difference between the
full-size Weather widget and the
svelte mini Weather widget is the
absence of the four-day forecast.
After all, how often is a forecast
accurate that far in advance, except for maybe San Diego,
where the weather never changes. If you just want a small
widget to display the current temperature and precipitation
status, this one’s for you.

8 Blogliner Blogliner is a fancy online news-
aggregation web site. You tell Blogliner which sites
you want to keep track of—it includes such favorites as
Slashdot, BoingBoing, and Shacknews, but you can add
any site with an RSS feed—and Blogliner serves as a web-based
RSS reader. The Blogliner widget tells you when you have new
news and how many stories have been posted since your last visit.

9 Chrome Clock Have digital clocks
stolen your ability to instantly read analog
time? Do you prefer round to square? Are
you, or have you ever been, a member of
the Society for Creative Anachronism? If
you answered yes to any of the preceding
questions, you should check out the many
nifty analog clock widgets available for
Konfabulator. They’re all great, but we like
Chrome Clock best.

The only

full-size Weather widget and the
svelte mini Weather widget is the
absence of the four-day forecast.
After all, how often is a forecast

aggregation web site. You tell Blogliner which sites
you want to keep track of—it includes such favorites as
Slashdot, BoingBoing, and Shacknews, but you can add
any site with an RSS feed—and Blogliner serves as a web-based

you want to keep track of—it includes such favorites as
Slashdot, BoingBoing, and Shacknews, but you can add

stolen your ability to instantly read analog
time? Do you prefer round to square? Are
you, or have you ever been, a member of
the Society for Creative Anachronism? If
you answered yes to any of the preceding
questions, you should check out the many
nifty analog clock widgets available for
Chrome Clock best.

stolen your ability to instantly read analog
time? Do you prefer round to square? Are
you, or have you ever been, a member of
the Society for Creative Anachronism? If
you answered yes to any of the preceding
questions, you should check out the many
nifty analog clock widgets available for
Chrome Clock best.

You just ordered a shiny new CPU, and
you’re dying for it to arrive. What better

handy widget will keep you updated on
your package’s status, ‘round the clock.

lous for managing large music collections,
but the included mini-player mode is too
big and clunky. The mini

next track, and previous

works exactly the same
way: It saves the last few way: It saves the last few

works exactly the same
way: It saves the last few

10 Kon-fabulous Widgets Everyone Needs
Not every widget is good for everyone, but all of these widgets kick ass
Free download pdf