Linksys Wireless-G
Router with VoIP
Who knew phone service could kick this much ass?
bumpy setup
notwithstanding, we’re
unabashed fans of this
Linksys WRT54GP2A-AT router.
It’s not only a spanking-good
Wi-Fi router, but an outstanding
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
telephone adapter as well. For its
part, VoIP offers access to unlimited
nationwide phone calls and a bevy
of features typically found only in
advanced corporate phone systems
(e-mail notifi cation of new voice
messages, for example).
The integration of the VoIP
adapter and router delivers
much better phone service than
a stand-alone telephone adapter
could ever provide. Because the
router serves as a traffi c cop for
all network activity coming into
or going out of your home, it
can give priority to time-critical
transmissions—like VoIP phone
calls. This function, called Quality
of Service, allows for crystal-clear
conversations, even when your
Internet connection is under an
extremely heavy load. With other
VoIP gear we’ve tested, echoes,
static, and even broken
connections were common,
especially when we uploaded large
fi les to the Internet and talked
simultaneously. We had no such
problems with this adapter.
Because the WRT54GP2A is
tied to AT&T’s VoIP service, AT&T
locks certain aspects of the router’s
fi rmware, which you might miss.
For example, you can’t disable the
integrated fi rewall or manually
control Quality of Service settings.
When we began testing, a missing
setting kept us from seeing our
home server, but an automatically
delivered fi rmware update fi xed
that problem.
As a router, the WRT54GP2A
performs admirably, besting nearly
every other stock 802.11g router
we’ve tested in our fi le-transfer
and range tests. The Linksys router
transferred our 724MB MPEG-4
test fi le in a little less than four
minutes. In our range test, we
managed more than a 50-foot
distance while maintaining full
signal strength.
After experiencing the
reliability and clarity afforded
by a VoIP adapter/router combo,
we’ll never consider buying a
stand-alone VoIP adapter again.
It looks like a normal
Linksys Wi-Fi router, but the
WRT54GP2A has everything
you need to add multiple
broadband-powered telephone
lines to your home.
It’s as fast as any standard 802.11g router we’ve
tested, and the VoIP functionality rocks!
AT&T limits some advanced functionality present in
other routers, including some firewall and Quality of
Service controls.
AT&T CallVantage
AT&T’s CallVantage service costs $20 a
month for basic local calling—for $10
more, you get unlimited long distance
inside the U.S. Cheap long distance
isn’t revolutionary anymore, but the
advanced CallVantage features kick
serious ass. First, you can choose
a phone number from one of many
geographical locations. Our VoIP line is
a local call for Manhattanites, but we
answer the calls in San Francisco. You
can even confi gure the CallVantage
number to ring on up to fi ve different
phones; for example, your cell phone
and offi ce phone. This effectively
allows you to give one phone number
to friends and family, which will ring
every phone you own whenever they
call. Voice-message delivery via e-mail
blew us away. We’ve waited a long
time to kiss traditional phone-based
message playback goodbye.
The only downsides to CallVantage
are common to all VoIP services:
VoIP connections depend on both
your Internet connection and
external power. If either goes out,
so does your phone. You should also
know that 911 calls go to a cellular
dispatch center, instead of the normal
dispatcher. Emergency operators will
not automatically know your location
or phone number. For those reasons,
we recommend using VoIP only for
secondary phone lines.
Easy access to contents, loads of external pockets,
and admirable attention to detail.
No phone when your broadband or power is out
and 911-call weirdness keep VoIP out of Kick Ass
territory, for now.
$30/month for local and long distance,