Rig of the Month
THIS MONTH: Dan Kane’s Toolbox PC
an Kane knew precisely
what he wanted from a PC.
He wanted something por-
table to accompany him to LAN
parties, long stays away from
home, and even camping trips.
He wanted that portability in a
single self-contained unit—key-
board, mouse, speakers, etc., all
included. He wanted something
with the muscle to match today’s
games. And he wanted some-
thing upgradeable. Such was the
thinking that went into his Toolbox
PC. That the rig seems able to
weather a tour of duty in Fallujah
is just icing on the cake.
Kane’s biggest challenge
was coming up with a suit-
able enclosure. Ultimately, he
decided to cut, grind, and bolt
together two Sear’s diamond
plate toolboxes. The resulting
case not only holds everything
Kane needs for power-user
computing on the go, but it
looks pretty darn cool to boot.
OK, so at 9.25x24x19.5 inches
and a weight of 50 pounds,
the Toolbox PC isn’t some-
thing you’d take on a long
hike, but Kane is able to eas-
ily transport the rig by its
handle with just one hand.
In transportation mode, the
keyboard and mouse pad are
conveniently stored behind
the monitor, the mouse is
Velcro’d to the top of one
speaker, and the wireless
transmitter for the mouse
and keyboard is Velcro’d atop
the other speaker.
In the image above, you can
see how a piece of diamond
plate conceals the PC’s
innards and serves as a work
surface for the keyboard. L-
brackets inside the case keep
the cover in place and away
from internal components.
When the cover is on, the
two fans bolted to it fit snugly
between the drive rack and
the PCI/AGP-card mount,
managing the case’s climate.
To the right is a glimpse
of the internals beneath the
cover plate from the oppo-
site side.
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If you have a contender for Rig of the Month, e-mail [email protected] with high-res digital pics and a 300-word write-up.