Mudpacks and Prozac Experiencing Ayurvedic, Biomedical, and Religious Healing

(Sean Pound) #1

54  chapter 

which he says provides “rejuvenative power for the brain.”^14 Sankapushpi is
also administered by some Muslim priests in Kerala to treat mental problems,
according to Dr. Sundaran. Dr. Sundaran sometimes prescribes a variety of
medicines, such as a mixture of Asafoetida indica, Acorus calamus, and Barbarus
aristata, to be taken by outpatients as dhumapana, a method of administer-
ing medicine that involves rolling plant materials into a cigar that the patient
smokes by inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the mouth.
While it is not possible here to provide a complete overview of ayurvedic psy-
chopharmacoepia, a depiction of the medical regimen of two inpatients from
the GAMH provides examples of the application of medications to particular
problems of psychopathology. Th is information is reproduced verbatim from
patient charts with my summaries of Dr. Sundaran’s explanations of the pur-
poses of some of these medicines added in brackets:

Case #1: Reasons for admission: fear, lack of sleep, restlessness, overly anxious,
angry, doubtful, sorrowful.

Medicines: 1) Special powder [see below] 2) avipatti [purgative: a combination
of ten drugs]—alternate days 3) ashwagandharishtam [improves general physical
and mental health]—30 ml 2 × day 4) kanjunyadiennu [improves sleep in some
people] on the head 5) manassmitravadakam [for general improvement of men-
tal functions, but expensive as it contains gold—only prescribed if patient can
aff ord it] tablets—1 per day. After 7 days, give snehapana with panchagavyaghru-
tam [one of several medicated ghees given with snehapana, made from the fi ve
products of a cow].

Case #2: Reasons for admission: restlessness in mind; childish insistence; angry;
sleeplessness; lack of obedience; burning sensation in stomach; extreme thirst.
Duration: 2 years.

Medicines: 1) Special powder—2 × day 2) avipatti churnna—alt. days
3) ashwagandharishtam—30ml evening 4) mahachandanadi oil on the head
[prescribed in this patient’s case to help with burning sensation in stomach and
thirst]. Apply thailam if necessary.

Th e “special powder” is a mixture of equal quantities of powdered serpagan-
dhi (a sedative whose Latin botanical name is Rauwolfi a serpentina), gokshura
churnam (a diuretic, botanical name: Tribulus terrestris), and swethasanghu-
pushpa (rejuvenative treatment for the brain, botanical name: Clitoria ternatta).
Also, according to Dr. Sundaran, ayurvedic physicians use “supporting drugs”
(such as Pipali [Piper longum] and Haridra [Cucurma longa]) to help with
digestion and balance the eff ects of the principal active drugs.

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