Mudpacks and Prozac Experiencing Ayurvedic, Biomedical, and Religious Healing

(Sean Pound) #1

three therapies of south india  83

relaxing respite from the busy and stimulating spaces in Trivandrum where we
spent most of our time. Our journey from East Fort culminated in a visceral
feeling of relief and relaxation when we stepped off the bus at Beemapalli and
Prayers, the principle means of seeking relief for one’s problems at the church,
are performed on one’s own as well as at organized services and events. During
the fi rst Friday of every month, hundreds of people arrive at Vettucaud church to
line up for a chance to touch the feet of the statue of Christ outside the church
and visit the shrines inside. Many Hindus join the Christian worshippers who
fi le past the statue of Christ on First Fridays. All the patient-devotees I met at
Vettucaud were Christian, and I am uncertain whether Muslims ever visit the
church.^28 (Figure 3 depicts Vettucaud church on a First Friday.)
Considering the pastoral counseling off ered by the priest and nun at
Vettucaud, it would be fair to say that, at least for the patients who spoke
with Father Hyacinth and Sister Deshiyas, this church placed more emphasis
on talk therapy than any other healing center in this study, and the method
of counseling as it was described to me bore a resemblance to “Western” or

Figure 3. Vettucaud church during a First Friday worship.

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