
(John Hannent) #1

Moving into October and the autumnal season means it’s time to start balancing and
nourishing both body and mind a little more. It’s time to start using more oils, both internally
in food and also massaging more oils into the skin.
Calendula oil (calendula officinalis) made from marigold flowers is the perfect oil to
use this month as it not only symbolises the sun and happiness but is also a wonderfully
soothing and healing oil. The absolute oil produced from marigold flowers is very rare. More
common is the infused oil, which is made by infusing the petals in oil.
You can even make your own infused calendula oil. Place some organic marigold flowers
in a sterilised jar, pour over organic olive oil making sure the flowers are covered by at least
one inch. Close the jar and shake well. Leave for four weeks on a warm sunny windowsill
shaking every day. Sieve and pour the beautiful rich oil into a dark glass jar. Use within
six months.
This infused calendula oil makes a lovely massage oil as it soothes muscles and reduces
inflammation. Massage generously into the skin and allow this rich oil to promote healing
while also lifting the spirits. Alternatively, add one tablespoon of calendula with one
tablespoon of milk to a bath for a rejuvenating treat for the skin.
Enjoy using your calendula oil: let it calm and soothe you and protect body and mind
through the coming months.
Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding or on sedatives.

Julia White is a yoga teacher and aromatherapist (jwhitelondon.com)

Yoga & Aromatherapy

om beginnings

Calendula Oil
(Calendula Officinalis)
Free download pdf