
(John Hannent) #1

Pianist and yoga fan Christina McMaster launches new lying

down concert to benefit wellbeing


piano concert where you lay down, and incorporating
aspects of yoga and virtual reality, is bringing a
unique and innovative brand of wellness to a new
pool of students in south London.
‘Lie down and Listen’ is a classical music concert
experience devised by acclaimed pianist, Christina McMaster, who’s
also a big yoga fan.
During the concert, students are treated to a one-of-a-kind
multi-sensory experience.
If you’re lucky enough to attend, you’ll being greeted with
wellbeing mocktails, then lay down on a yoga mat to be guided
through restorative asanas (led by London-based teacher
Will Wheeler).
Whilst settling in, you’ll feel the music from the 9ft Steinway
Grand, and later on, a chamber choir softly emerges enveloping

Lie down and listen

you in good vibrations in a surround sound effect.
Finally, if that doesn’t take you into a positively altered state,
you’re invited to try out the virtual reality specs, followed by hot
chocolate and a mingle.
The pioneering combination of music, meditation, virtual reality
technology and restorative yoga help to create a deep sense
of relaxation.
Restorative yoga postures calm the nervous system allowing the
musical vibrations to work their magic.
Plus, it’s based on tests and data collected over the past year
in collaboration with scientists at the Institute of Psychology,
Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Kings College London.
The first concert took place in September at the Oval, St John
the Divine, with another scheduled for November.
“Yoga has been life changing for me, it has helped me cope
with the mental pressures of being a musician and build a strong
community of like minded people,” says McMaster. “Through yoga,
I’ve learnt (and continue to learn) how to deepen my sense of
connection: the very word ‘yoga’ means union of mind and body.
In performance, when I am focused and connected my audience
respond to this and so I feel a responsibility to lead and inspire like
a great yoga teacher would.”

The next performance will be on November 16, 2018 at St John the
Divine Camberwell, London. Tickets available via Eventbrite.
For information on Christina McMaster visit:

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