
(John Hannent) #1

Natural hazards
Yoga often comes with a warning: take it easy, stop if it hurts, and so on...but rarely with
a hurricane alert. A yoga studio in Perth was hit recently by strong winds that ripped
off its exterior signage. Other stores in the Doubleview commercial area were also
affected. Scarborough Yoga and Curry Pirates, on St Brigids Terrace, lost their signage
as well as the canopy over the footpath as wind gusts hit more than 90km/h in coastal
areas. Fortunately there were no reports of any injuries, although it does highlight the
importance of yoga insurance! Definitely not what you need when you’re settling down for
a quiet savasana.

Kung Fu Yoga
It may not have excited critics in the West, but the Chinese-Indian action movie Kung
Fu Yoga starring Jackie Chan has been well received elsewhere. The 2017 film recently
won the Golden Rhino award for best film at the 3rd BRICS Film Festival in the South
African city of Durban. It was also a box-office success in China. Don’t expect to see
much yoga though. The plot is a showcase for Chan’s renowned fighting skills. The
New York Times wrote: “Despite its subtext about the economic rivalry between China
and India the film...mostly affords Mr. Chan the opportunity to mug, share a car chase
scene with a lion...and thwart assailants.”



om beginnings




Facilitating yoga
retreats for more than
twenty fi ve years

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‘The care and attention to detail
allows the perfect holding for
teachers to attend to a deep yoga
practice and for all to feel extremely
well looked after’
Liz Warrington, Yoga Teacher


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