
(John Hannent) #1

om mind


ave you ever thought of someone for no
apparent reason, only to get a phone call
from them minutes later? Perhaps you wake
up with a song in your head, and it’s the first
song you hear when you turn on the radio.
Some might call these coincidences. Spiritual teacher and
author Wayne Dyer believed the word coincidence describes
that which fits together perfectly.

Why does this happen?
There are people who believe these incidences to be God’s
way of presenting our life to us, and are a natural part of
the divine order. Deepak Chopra, another spiritual teacher
and author, believes every coincidence is a message, a
clue about a particular facet of life that requires our divine
Whatever you think, you will no doubt experience certain
happenstances or events coming together in an unusual,
unexpected manner, with no proven cause. Call it fate, call it
synchronicity, call it anything you want. Fact of the matter is,
it happens, and when it does, it can help us align with life’s
bigger picture.
If you would like to be in sync with life’s messages and
‘that which fits together perfectly,’ practice the following
meditation. Use it to hone your intuition so you can be made
aware of the clues around you. Discover how your thoughts
coincide with your daily situations.

Do it now
This meditation requires a mirror. Sitting near a mirror, take
several deep breaths to clear your mind and relax your
body. In your mind’s eye visualise your face. Notice every
detail about how you look, without judgement, just keen
observation. See the colour of your eyes, the tone of your
skin, the curve of your nose. Study this image. Now, gaze
into the mirror so you can see the same image you have
been visualising, and repeat. While this seems like a silly
thing to do, please understand this simple task will help you
believe that what you visualise can appear in your life.
The most important element in this - and all of your
meditation practices - is your faith. Pay attention to the
messages in your intention, and believe in your ability to
manifest a dream.
Wayne Dyer also said that the state of your life is nothing
more than a reflection of the state of your mind. I say,
“visualise it, don’t criticise it.” Start by believing in the truth
and realness of your own, divine reflection, and then watch
your world fit together perfectly.

Jill Lawson is a writer and yoga teacher enjoying life on the
island of Maui in Hawaii (jilllawson.net)

A meditation to get in sync with

life’s messages and hone your

intuition. By Jill Lawson

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