
(John Hannent) #1


didn’t like the term ‘detachment’
when I first started learning about it. I
thought wouldn’t life be meaningless
if I let go of everything? Maybe monks
and Buddhas can say this but how the
heck is a 20 something supposed to let go
of all attachments?
Now I am incredibly grateful for this
practice of non-attachment as it has
completely changed my outlook on life for
the better and reduced my stress and worry
a hundred fold.
The thing where people get stuck is the
idea of detachment meaning completely
letting go of all the things that matter in
your life, including their comfortable lifestyle.
Detach from my child/spouse/lover? What
a selfish/impossible/unthinkable thing to
do! Drop all the comforts I worked so hard to

Why do we have such a hard time letting go?

By Carly Brown

acquire in my life? No way!
People get confused thinking that
detachment means walking away and not
caring about these things, but this is a great
Detachment isn’t a stand alone practice...
if we only detached, detached, detached we
would feel at a loss. The letting go process
is to generate more room to move closer
to deep peace within. In yoga we call it
‘satchitananda’ truth-consciousness-bliss;
some people call it true self or higher self, or
even God/Goddess, or creator or universal
consciousness. I call it all of those things as
for me their is no difference. So the more
and more we crave this inner peace, love,
freedom and bliss the more we are able to
detach from everything else that does not
bring us truth, love and bliss.

om spirit om spirit

On detachment

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