Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1
D)  installed.

(Question   Type:   Vocabulary  In  Context)

5 Which of the following can be inferred from the final paragraph?

A)  South   Africa  is  making  progress    toward  racial  equality.
B) Economic statistics inadequately compare poverty in African
C) South Africans do not sympathize with the plight of other African
D) The South African government cares less about the well-being of
its African citizens than about its white citizens.

(Question   Type:   Implicit    Meaning)

6 The main rhetorical effect of the phrase “Our complaint is not that we

are poor    by  comparison  with    people  in  other   countries,  but that    we  are
poor by comparison with the white people in our own country,” is to
A) localize the issue of racial inequality in South Africa.
B) demand a new strategy for political action.
C) renounce the policies of other African nations.
D) condemn Africans’ concern with obtaining material wealth.

(Question   Type:   Rhetoric)

7 In the context of the passage, the last paragraph serves to

A)  give    concrete    examples    of  an  abstract    idea.
B) question some of the points already made.
C) challenge a potential objection and restate his thesis.
D) shift the tone from one of criticism to one of celebration.

(Question   Type:   Structure)
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