Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

Okay, let’s dig into this a bit deeper and analyze why each correct answer is
the right choice.

Question 1 . The answer is B; Mandela brought up this false perception of

Africans’   quality of  life    in  anticipation    of  what    the South   African
government would say in response to this speech. The other choices falsely
imply that Africans are not experiencing hardship.

Question 2 . On the SAT, the second halves of these question pairs will

include options that    support some    of  the wrong   answers from    the first
question, but you won’t get points if both of your answers are incorrect,
even if they “match.” There is only one answer that really backs up the
correct answer to Question 1 (“To counter the South African government’s
attempts to downplay . . .”). Choice A mentions the “State Prosecutor” and
shows how he refuses to refer to the poor quality of life Africans
experience as real hardship.

Question 3 . A is false; Mandela says that South Africa is better off than many

of  its neighbors.  C   might   be  tempting    because he  does    accuse  the
government of peddling misinformation, but he does not state that this is
the primary means of oppression. D is false; Mandela mentions
communists, and while we might be able to infer some negativity from his
tone, we do not have reason to believe he sees them as a threat. That leaves
B as the answer. It is the choice that most strongly supports Mandela’s
argument, and also the only statement found explicitly in the text.
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