Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

Question 4 . This one is tricky because several of the choices are associated

with    the word    entrenched. The context is  key here.   Mandela does    not say
that legislation alone created (or “installed”) the poverty and lack of human
dignity experienced by black South Africans. What he means is that laws
have supported (or “reinforced”) traditions of racism. The answer is C. *
*With vocabulary questions, it always helps to plug the answer choices right into the sentence to try them out for fit. Feel free to imaginethe sentence being read aloud by Nelson Mandela for authenticity.

Question 5 . What is Mandela implying when he says that whites in South

Africa  are significantly   wealthier   than    Africans    and that    the government  is
doing nothing to fix this? Basically, he is implying that the government
doesn’t care about its African citizens. The correct answer is D because it
best crystallizes the underlying meaning of the paragraph. It might be
tempting to choose C, since Mandela states that the condition of other
countries is “irrelevant” for present purposes. However, he says this to
emphasize the importance of the fact that “we are poor by comparison with
the white people in our own country.”

Question 6 . This question is really just a test of whether you were able to

follow  the passage from    beginning   to  end.    Choice  A   is  the only    one that    has
a basis in the text. This portion of a sentence is Mandela’s way of getting
his audience to focus on South Africa and not let other nations influence
the world’s perception of his own.

Question 7 . In the last paragraph, Mandela raises the usual objections made

by  the government  in  order   to  refute  them.   While   the government  might
claim that South Africa is wealthier than other African nations, he restates
his central argument that Africans are poorer than white South Africans
and are denied the same opportunities. The answer is C.


As we’ve mentioned, the SAT now includes questions about informational
graphics that accompany the passages on the Reading and Writing Tests. It might
be jarring, at first, to see a bar graph in your reading passage. But really, these
graphs are just more pieces of evidence. What’s more, once you get used to these
infographics, they become some of the easiest questions in the section.

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